SimVSM in research

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SimVSM in research

Get to know the possibilities of SimVSM

SimVSM and value stream mapping as a central tool in research projects

SimPlan has been intensively involved in research projects for many years and maintains close relationships with universities. Various employees share their practical knowledge as lecturers and help to pass on their experience to students.

SimPlan’s activities include not only regular publications and technical articles, but also active participation in various research projects. Below you will find a selection of research projects in which SimPlan is involved and in which our SimVSM app plays a central role.


SDM4FZI – Software-defined manufacturing for the automotive and supplier industry

In SDM4FZI, SimPlan is primarily concerned with further developing value stream and logistics models into value stream and logistics twins by integrating them into the SDM4FZI platform. Furthermore, the usability of value stream and logistics twins to support adaptability is being demonstrated together with application partners such as Audi and Bosch.


TwInTraSys: Creating digital twins for planning and controlling internal transport systems

The aim of the research project is the design and prototypical implementation of “Digital twins for dynamic simulation for the planning and control of internal transport systems in the context of the digital factory” (TwInTraSys).


E2COMATION – Future factories work sustainably with less energy

In this project, SimPlan will continue to drive forward holistic simulation approaches in which energy and media consumption are taken into account in addition to material and information flows.

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DigiPrime – Digital platform for the circular economy of cross-sector and sustainable networks

The DigiPrime research project has the task of developing a new concept for a digital platform for the circular economy that is intended to overcome the current information asymmetry between the players in the value chain. New cross-industry business models are to be created based on the data-supported recovery and reuse of functions and materials from products with high added value.

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ENERMAN – ENERgy-efficient manufacturing system MANagement

ENERMAN conceptualises the factory as a living organism that can manage its energy consumption in an autonomous way. It creates an energy and sustainability management framework that collects data from the factory and processes it holistically to create specific energy and sustainability metrics.


kompAKI – Competence Centre for Work and Artificial Intelligence

In the kompAKI project, new potentials for human-centred AI applications and their business models are being tapped, new approaches to cooperative AI are being developed with which users can use AI more transparently and easily, and new methods for evaluating work in AI-supported work systems are being developed. The knowledge gained will be validated in pilot projects with partner companies, mainly from the production sector.


AI-Mod – Learning process for the automatic conversion of a modelled value stream into a simulated value stream

Building simulation models for a value stream in a factory is a time-consuming task. The idea of the project is to train a learning procedure in such a way that it supports the modeller in fulfilling this requirement and points out where building blocks, edges or data may still be missing.


SEAMLESS – Simulation-supported, assistance system-based engineering and maintenance services for lean aftersales services

The aim of the SEAMLESS research project is the development and seamless provision of SME-compliant, internet-based aftersales services. Aftersales services refer to the provision of consulting, training and spare parts services following a sale.

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DaWis – Development of an integrated solution for data farming and knowledge discovery in simulation data

The aim of the project is to transfer the method of knowledge discovery in simulation data, which has so far mainly been considered in academic case studies in the field of production and logistics, to practice. To this end, methods of smart experiment design were evaluated and implemented, methods for the (cloud-based) distribution of experiments were developed and suitable data mining and visual analytics methods were planned.


MobiSim – App-based value stream simulation, simulation service in the cloud

MobiSim is the parent project in which the original form of today’s SimVSM app was developed. The aim of the project was to develop a software application for use on mobile devices in the production environment of manufacturing companies.

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